Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22nd Day +5

Sorry for the delay in updating the blog. It has been 5 days since his transplant and things are just progressing along better than expected.  He is still experiencing some nausea and requires IV fluids at night due to low electrolytes but all very manageable symptoms.  Our biggest battle at this moment is boredom.  We go to the hospital on Mon, Wed and Fri to check all his levels and labwork.  We sit there  wait for all the results in case he requires platelets or blood transfusion.  They say that most transplant patients will require this at some point. 

Please pray that things will continue to progress this well.  We were told that some of the "bad" stuff usually happens around Day 8-20 when the new bone marrow will start to work.  Right now, he has absolutely no immune system, his bone marrow is gone and the new ones haven't started to work yet.  We pray that he won't experience any symptoms of GVHD when this occurs.

Also, please pray for our friend Andrew- he has been in isolation all this time and I can't even imagine how bored he must be. Also, his procedure has been a lot harder on his body so please pray that the side effects will disappear.

Thank you all!


Nancy said...

So glad you had time to post and let us know ... missing my buddy, praying for you guys all the time. Happy this has been easier than anticipated and hoping it stays that way. Love you ....

TD said...

Yeah! Thank you posting. I know I am not the only one who stalks this site... So unbelievably happy this is going well so far. I am knocking on wood right now. many continued prayers for all of you and for your friend Andrew too. We miss you guys. Please let us know if there is anything you need from your house that I can send down.

Jen Vesely said...

So happy all is going well. Will keep Andrew in our prayers. Do you have Words with Friends? The boys would love a game of that with him.

Trying Not To Buy Goods Made In China said...

Oh Sue, you must be ecstatic that this day has finally happened. I'm reading your blog and you are amazing for going through all of this. But Connor is most amazing for being such a strong trooper....just truly awe-inspiring. We are so so happy for you guys! Please keep blogging so we can be updated with Connor's progression. Prayers of continued success!!
Yvonne, Harlan, Sierra and Dakota

kathy zagala said...

Sue - I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am that things are progressing well for Connor! What an amazing little boy you have! I vividly remember hanging out with Connor in your family; he was showing me how to play a game on his DS. All I could think was "This kid is a blessing and a miracle!" He's the sweetest guy ever. So nothing but great things for him from now on! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us know what you need. We can help send anything to you so you don't have to worry about stuff! Our prayers continue to be with you, Steve and Connor! Please give Connor a huge hug and kiss from me .... We will celebrate very very soon!
Sending you much love,